Zion: Consciousness and Covenant is a podcast that addresses matters of import about being a covenant-keeping Mormon in the New Age.
Zion is both a future literal gathering of God's people, and it is also a state of being. People in Zion are of "one heart and one mind." Their hearts are "knit together in love" and they live "after the manner of happiness." All things that are created physically are created first spiritually, so it is essential to build Zion within us before we can build it outside. The New Age we officially entered in 2012 is all about experience. While intellect is still important, we can no longer get by without experience, specifically an experience of God within us. This podcast is for faithful latter-day saints who are on a spiritual journey and would like more tools that complement what they already have. And we have some good ones to share. Thanks for listening! Join the email list and submit your questions, comments, and stories. |